Tag Archives: summer vacation


So, I bit the bullet…bought tickets to Carowinds.  I decided about 10pm the night before.  Bought the tickets online and started planning/packing.  I knew we needed to go this week because many schools were still in session and I was hoping it wouldn’t be crowded yet.  I packed clothes, sunscreen, meds, etc. I assigned the hubby lunch and snack duty.  He’s awesome like that. 😉

The park opened at 10am.  We headed out right on schedule at 8:00am.  Arrived at 9:30am.  Waiting in line for the gate to open for us to park made us feel a little Griswaldish.  The gates open, we park, sunscreen up and head to the ticket gate.  Actually we pass the ticket gate since I had already printed them AND no bags to check.  You see, we had a plan.  Roller coasters and any non-wet rides first.  Then we’d head back to the car for lunch, rest, and change into our water gear.  Water park after lunch.  Good plan, huh?  Well, believe it or not, it actually all went incredibly according as planned.  Unusual!?  I know!

The weather was absolutely perfect as well!  Overcast all day!  But no storms and maybe 2 minutes worth of rain.  And it wasn’t crowded just as we hoped.  We had to wait in line for one ride and that was it!  Yay to an incredible day!

A few things I hadn’t anticipated though…

1) the day after would be a completely and utterly wasted day.  Well, for the adults anyway.  The hubby and I were so incredibly exhausted we accomplished very little.  Anything we did accomplish took an amazing amount of effort and concentration.  The kids were fed, though.  I call that an accomplishment.  We won’t mention that they might have had cereal for breakfast…and lunch!  And for supper, we managed to make it to my parents house.  😉

2) the kids getting up before 7am the next morning!  Once again, I am reminded of the resiliency of children.  We got home after 10pm but yet they’re up with the birds the next morning.

3) my oldest being terrified after about the third roller coaster.  I have the most hilarious yet pitiful video of him on a coaster.  My husband took video of the ones that didn’t go upside down. I haven’t taken the time to get the video off of his phone yet but when I do, I’ll add to this post. (*Added)  So pitiful yet hysterical at the same time!

Yay for a great day with the family!

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School’s Out for Summer!!

First Day of Summer!!  I always feel like a kid again on those last days of the school year!  Love it!

As for my first day of summer, I spent…working!  Apparently, that’s what all school teachers are doing these days!  Boo for summer jobs! 46th in the nation!  Come on NC!??

And tomorrow, I have training at the county office.  But only for a half day and after that I’m all free!  Well, as free as one can be, I suppose.  I am going to the grocery store directly after training with no kids in tow.  I guess that is kind of like a vacation.

So, Wednesday, I actually am all free.  My kiddos (ages 5 and 6) have never been to Carowinds.  I never wanted to pay money for the ticket unless they could do most of the rides.  They are now both 48 inches or taller so here we come Carowinds!  Well, maybe.  I thought we should go as early in the summer as possible because I know some counties are still in school (so sorry for all you that are still in school!) and I was hoping it would be less crowded.  Plan in place.  Right?  Well, not exactly.  So I look up the ticket prices online.  Wow!!  I’m not even sure with my summer job we can afford to go to Carowinds!  So I hunt for coupons.  The best deal I could find was to order online…39.99 each.  So 39.99 x 4 = 159.96.  That’s just the tickets to get in the place.  Not to mention gas to get there and FOOD!!!  Needless to say, I’m on the fence about the whole Carowinds trip.  If we do go, my kids will be eating pb & j sandwiches in the parking lot.

The life of a educator/musician’s wife.  🙂

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