Category Archives: School

Opie Taylor fit

What do Christmas Eve and the night before school starts back after summer break have in common?  All teachers around the world can NOT SLEEP!  Well, okay, maybe it is just me…  I can’t sleep on Christmas Eve because it doesn’t matter how old I get, I just get too darn excited!  And I can’t sleep the night before school starts back because no matter how old I get, I just get too darn excited I want to drain every single last drop of my summer vacation…and not waste a drop!!  And if I go to sleep, I’m admitting that it is over.  I don’t want it to be over!  I know, I know, I should be happy I even have a summer break at all, right?  Yeah, yeah, I can only hold on to that thought for a second before I want to lie down in the floor, hold my breath, stomp my feet and throw an Opie Taylor fit.

Actually, I’ve been back to work for weeks but tomorrow is the first “official” day back.  Sigh.  I actually worked all day today training teachers on a new assessment (fun!) but there’s just something different when it is “official.”  Of course, it is not that I dislike my job.  That’s not it AT ALL.  I just really LOVE summer!  🙂  Summer time with my boys makes me one happy momma.  Time flies when you’re having fun.

And I promise no Opie Taylor fits tomorrow…at least not in public.

(The Opie Taylor fit starts around 2:13 and lasts until 2:45 if you need a visual.)


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